Our Team

Ricardo Guerrero (Ricky) The Graff Lab Director
Ricardo Guerrero is the originator and Director at The Graff Lab.
At the age of 10, Ricky attended community art classes in Pico Union. He taught over 200 fellow classmates art techniques that he learned from reading craft books. He then began his career in retail design. He brought his talents back to Pico Union by starting the Graff Lab. He saw children getting in trouble in the neighborhood and he wanted to create a safe place for them to learn and to demonstrate their art. When they cut the summer school program and cut the art programs, Ricky wanted to find a solution for his community. The solution was The Graff Lab.
Eli Flores, Graff Lab Originator and Local Artist
Eli is one of the originators of The Graff Lab. In 2006 Eli helped open the doors of The Graff Lab and was in charge of running the Graffiti Yard. He is a talented Graffiti artist and is known for his murals in Pico Union, Crenshaw, South Central and all across Los Angeles. He gives back to the community by training kids in the art and by assisting with community projects with the elderly and Pico Union tenants.

Braulio Beltran (Lalo) The Graff Lab Yard Coordinator
Braulio began working at The Graff Lab in 2012. He started doing graffiti as a kid. When he found The Graff lab it changed his perspective on the graffiti scene. He learned that he could make money from his art. The Graff Lab transformed his thinking from getting in trouble in the streets to doing canvases, creating murals, and making money from his art. “The Graff Lab, opened my eyes to the mediums of art. Through the gallery I have sold a lot of artwork.” Lalo is in charge of the Graffiti Yard and is here to help anyone who is willing to learn.